DIY off schouder top


Here is a new DIY top I made this weekend! Realy easy to make in 30 minutes. you need: 

Fabric (pick one you like) 150cm

I made a little drawing to make it more clear! Soon I Will start making vlogging for the DIY!

1: cut a rectangle out the of the fabric ( you have to measure the width between your shoulder to shoulder and leave Some extra fabric to the sides to wrinkle later) 

2: you can create sleeves to measure your arms all around, and then draw on the fabric a pattern of a rectangle. Length x width, and always leave 1 cm for sewing. For a straight sleeve draw a rectangle, and for a wide sleeve make it like mine above.

3: when you sew the pieces together leave the upside open!! ( so you can sew the sleeves together in one time after pinning them together with pins) 

4: for the last step : put elasitc trough the upside of the top. All you need to do is Flip the top of the shirt and sew. Leave a little piece open to put the elastic band trough the top. And you are done! 

Good luck! 

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